Striding towards me with a mane of glossy black luxuriant long hair that most women would happily dye for - pardon the pun - I felt that I was about to be introduced to an infamous Viking warrior. However it was, of course, well-loved TV broadcaster, historian and archaeologist Neil Oliver - the one with a voice that sounds like melting chocolate - who was signing his latest book Vikings in the Perth branch of Waterstones.
As I interviewed him for, I tried my best to be riveted by all he had to say about our ancient ancestors. But having a substantial amount of blonde tresses myself, all I could think about was are those locks natural? How does he get it to look so glossy? What brand of shampoo or secret ingredient conditioner does he use?
Once Neil gets talking about his subject, it's quite tricky to get a word in edgeways. I would hate to appear rude and interrupt the softly spoken man in full flow, but wait my chance for him to draw breath and wrestle back control of the interview. Whilst I'm fascinated to hear of the expanding Viking empire of long gone ages, I wonder inwardly if he would mind me asking if he uses some natural preparation to control any wry grey hairs. It's just so shiny!
Oh yes, getting back to the Vikings. Fascinating stuff. Especially when he described sampling such ancient delicacies as rotten shark, testicle pate and sheep brains. Neil's the kind of man who would view a few wiggly jungle grubs in I'm A Celebrity as a tasty starter. He definitely gets my vote!!
To watch my interview with the lovely Neil Oliver
Buy Neil Oliver's fascinating new book VIKINGS at Waterstones

Oh yes, getting back to the Vikings. Fascinating stuff. Especially when he described sampling such ancient delicacies as rotten shark, testicle pate and sheep brains. Neil's the kind of man who would view a few wiggly jungle grubs in I'm A Celebrity as a tasty starter. He definitely gets my vote!!
To watch my interview with the lovely Neil Oliver
Buy Neil Oliver's fascinating new book VIKINGS at Waterstones
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